Epiphany- Solitary Tree.

"Solitary trees, if grow at all, grow stronger"
                                 -Wiston Churchill

I haven't even lived half my life, but the only lesson that resonates in my head with the utmost profoundness and clarity is that solitude is a humans constant state. A lot of you would beg to differ and you may be right in your arguments, but if life in such a short span of my life has taught me something, it has been the brutal realization that you came alone and would leave this world alone. Epiphany dawned upon me like the setting sun, you might enjoy the company of a lot of people, but they soon would leave you to go to their own state of solitude. Like the sun and the moon, you would forever be chasing ghosts that don't exist. The sooner you realize this, the better.

I'm not a pessimist. No. Nor am I who resents company. I love attention and people with whom I can have long conversations with. I love making new friends. I love talking. Those of you who have had the chance to spend more than a day or so with me would know how much I talk. I can go on and on for hours without ever coming to a stop. Then why do you think I believe in solitude? Because it has been my childhood friend. It haunts me like my own shadow.

People will come into your life. Some will alter the entire course of your path, some will have minimal affect, while some would teach you lessons to be savored for life. But the only thing common is that they too will leave. Sooner or later, everyone leaves your side. There are some lucky few who take a little longer. But everyone leaves. You might feel the hurt and sometimes you may not even notice their absence. But they would leave and be replaced by another life changing experience. 

For the longest time, I used to listen to the old sayings of wise men and how they contemplated the idea of this world to be nothing but a bait and how we need to detach ourself from it. Hindi translation: Yeh sab mooh maya ka bandhan hai. For the longest time I thought this was bullshit.For the longest time I've cracked such silly jokes on this topic that I feel I was the reason for Robin Williams death. But to be  honest I think now I understand what they meant. People are shackles.

"Expectations are nothing but little rocks on your path, all they do is trip you over" written by Chitra Banerjee, I if had to make one amend to it would probably change the word expectations to attachments. Never get attached to people. Never. Learn to love yourself and to be able to live with only your company. Because soon there will come a point when people would leave, leaving you shattered and alone only with your shadow to survive with, not to forget your shadow would also leave you in the dark. Its the most brutal of lessons.Its not a bad thing solitude. The moment you start living for yourself, you deprive yourself of a lot of grief and disappointments.You in true sense begin to live for yourself and life would suddenly make sense to you. It would suddenly become a better place to live in and also a better cause to live for.

This I write to all those who came in my life and taught me the lessons that has made me the person I am today. This is also dedicated to all those shattered souls out there. Pick up your pieces because Solitary trees grow stronger. I am grateful that I learned this lesson early in life. So learn to let go and love yourself. For you are the only companion you need and quite honestly the only companion you would get.  


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