Zindagi Na Milegi Doobara!!

In the middle of an extremely stressful month, and believe you me, when I say stressful I mean the 2012 world about to end, OMG no food in fridge stressful, here I am yet again procrastinating and contemplating on the have not's, the what if's, the when to be, and the where in my life.

Frustration level, somebody left the door of my room open and the neighbors are playing tamil bhajans and of course my maid is cranking up the bass in her full accent whilst cleaning my room in spite of my protests, quite  loudly.

So basically sleep deprivation and a lot of citizenship later, here I am yet again procrastinating. How can I forget the contemplation bit. -_-

Life hasn't turned out quite the way I wanted it to be. But after a lot of insightful and deep conversation with myself I have realized it turned out quite better than what I expected. With last year being the new low of my life, to this year being all about climbing mount Everest, I sure as hell have come a long bloody way. And I couldn't be prouder of myself. Last year same time I wouldn't have in my dreams imagined gaining what I did. But here I am amidst the chaotic life of a city student, frustrated like f*&k, but quite proud.

So here goes another life lesson from the self proclaimed wise saint (myself). ZINDAGI NA MILEGI DOOBARA. Yes its cheesy and cheeky, but I love it.

Life has pushed you down, it has stomped all over you. Someone once claimed for it to have pissed all over her. So ya that too. But here we are. We have that one life and whether you like it or not what you do with it is entirely up to you. You have your dreams and you have this one chance to live it. Then why the hell are you sitting there obsessing over some stupid failure that wont matter in a years time. Yes it takes a little time to come out of it, but every minute spent obsessing over s failure or worse a guy could have been a minute you could have shown the world that crazy ass smile of yours and could have made millions of guys fall in love with you. Yes it is true. A self proclaimed fact.
I wish someone would have told me this when I was going through it all. But then I wouldn't have had all those epiphanies. Life is hard. It tosses you around like a ball. From one court to another. But that's what makes it fun. You never know what court you might end up in tomorrow. How about prince Charles private one?
So stop obsessing over something that has gone. What has happened has happened and in spite of all those sci fi movies and fan fiction telling you otherwise, there is no going back. But you are constantly moving forward. Then why not take charge of something that is in your hand. Your own future. Stop obsessing about the past and look out for what is yet to come. Trust me there is no end to the surprises life can bestow upon you. Live the only life you have on your own terms. Don't let a girl or a guy dictate what city you should live in. Or don't let a crowd of savages decide what you wear. Or don't let your friends tell you she is a bitch. You do what makes you happy. Period. No body on this planet would do anything out of their convenience to make you happy. Then why should you.You don't owe explanations to  anybody. Its your life and you live on your own terms.

Don't let the low lives pull you down. Be ecstatic, be bold, be beautiful. Most importantly, be yourself. Love thyself for there is no greater religion. Always remember that.

And if nothing let us together in solidarity appreciate the fine piece of work The three boys are. Absolutely yum. Just what I needed. Another distraction.


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