You and I

Have you ever come across a love story, maybe in the form of a book or maybe in the form of a movie that might have been exactly like yours? Have you ever come across a story or a struggle that reminded you of yourself in that persons shoes? Have you ever come across a person who loves exactly what you love and hates exactly what you hate? Have you ever wondered how many people across the universe have the same hair colour as yours, the same skin colour as yours, the same habits as yours, the same personality traits as your or maybe the same birth date as yours. Have you?

Its funny how we sometimes read a book and are moved beyond our realities. We have lived the life of the fictional character at some point in our lives and hence relate to each and every word the author wrote. Don't you think its funny that a person sitting miles away has such an insight to your soul that whatever he writes seems right out of your life. Don't you find it funny that other people have gone through probably the same thing you have. 

We are  made to believe we are all different. Unique in our way. Otherwise how would we ever stand out? But beneath all our layers of skin, I believe we are all the same. We all have the same fears, we have all fought the same battles in our life, we all have the same scars and some where deep within we all want the same thing. We all hide under the pretense of our skins and pretend to be invisible. 

Why is it that as humanity progressed, the false difference between each other increased? Why is it that now I want to be different from the one next to me. Why can't we be the same? Why do people get so paranoid if someone wears the same clothes as them? I have no idea what this post means. 
I guess I'm just trying to understand the difference between us all when there clearly isn't. You are human or you're not. When did being a hindu make you any more safe from crime? Or when did being a muslim make you any more prone to being a terrorist? When did being a slave make your tongue wobble or being a communist make your voice louder? Since when did being a woman make you any less that a man. Aren't we all the same? Do you all not cry when you lose someone you love? Do you all not want some meaning out of your life? Do you all not want to have power? Then when did the stereotypes set in? Dont we share the same home?

I don't mean this post to be an anti racist or a feminist post. Nor am I condemning any religions. I am just trying to understand  the difference between you and I when there really aren't any. 


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