2015. New Year. 

There are always two kinds of people I come across during new years. The ones who celebrate the coming year and then the ones who celebrate the year gone by. It doesn't matter which one you were till the time you celebrated.
This little post can be considered a dedication/confession/whateveryouwantittobe for those precious little souls who were a part of my crazy ass year 2014. Trust me you (2014) won't be missed. 
2014 has probably been the most dramatic year from the BJP winning the election and the Congress literally vanishing. Not to forget the part where our prime minister got more audience than a one direction concert at Madison Square.GO INDIANS! Then there was the football madness that took India for a ride (also the adorable Ranbir Kapoor had us drooling). And what should i say about my personal life. Let me just put it this way. 2014 will not be missed. 

Much like the political scenario my personal life was a havoc. From feeling like the BJP at the beginning of the year to feeling like the congress by the mid, I managed to come up to feeling like the AAP gaining the support of the underdogs. 2014 was probably the most exciting and at the same time depressing year and I just want it off my chest.

Yes I made mistakes. Yes I learned my lessons. Yes I lost out on my best friends (plural) but at the same time made new ones. Yes I left dancing, something I will miss for the rest of my life, but I started writing. I loved and lost but I gained myself. I was at pit bottom but I rose again like a phoenix. And since then it has been a better life. 

The lessons I learned this year which will resonate in my mind as long as we both ( me and my mind) shall live are solitude is constant, travelling is the best goddamn thing, family is the most important, much like politics our lives are going to a havoc and finally love thyself more than your neighbors. 

I wanted to take the time and thank a few people who stuck by me in my very worse and gave me the strength to see the light on this beautiful year. Thanks for bearing with me and having faith and the patience. I know I was pretty hard to put up with. 

Whatever you've been through this year is all in the past and thats where it truly belongs. Leave it there and move on. Your fairytale awaits. And if you think none was written for you then pick up the pen and write your own.

This new years eve I celebrated my future for I know it only gets better. No matter what you celebrated, this year have faith in yourself. Make resolutions that would probably last till Obama comes to India. This year travel. Leave everything behind and travel. Make new friends. Old ones don't come with a guarantee card trust me. Live your dreams now. Don't procrastinate. Dream big because they do come true. And finally remember the magic in you. You've made it this far you m*****fu**er your story awaits!!


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