The best people.

"The more that you read,
the more things you would know.
The more that you learn,
the more places you'll go"
                      -Dr Seus

I might come across as  biased towards my cause. I actually am biased. Because when I talk about the best people ever I am referring to those who dwell in the magical world of books and who never want to escape its bounds. I mean readers. Or even better writers.

Books have always had a special place in my heart. I wasn't an anti social kid. Nor was I the one with no friends. But the kind of solace I found in books has always been something different. I was always attracted to people who read. Or more importantly wrote. I found myself lost in the world of books and poets. I found myself talking more often to these writers in my life and often these conversations would go on for hours. I found myself lost but subsequently found.

Why do I think they are the best people?
Because they've lived more lives than any else. With  each book they read, they add to their soul a part which they found to be missing. With each character that makes them feel inspired they discover something about themselves. With each page they turn, they acquire hope. If possible they would spend their entire life in a bookstore. They have a list of books that would probably never end. They have knowledge that would probably change your life. They inspire people. They understand that everything in life is like a book. It has to come to an end . But with that they also live in the hope of a better sequel to the previous book. They live for seizing the day. Wordsworth or Keats are their guilty pleasures. They hold a book dear to them closer than a loved ones. Loss of a book is equivalent to loss of a part of their identity. They cry. They cry a lot. When the lovers reunite they cry. When the hero dies they cry. When the book ends they cry. Because they know pain. They feel pain. In a moment of solidarity, they understand and connect with these characters. They understand these to be fictional people, but the very thought of someone actually going through with such immense tragedy moves them. They laugh a lot to. These are the people who wear their hearts on their sleeves. They are also the one who inertly are the saddest, but superficially are the ones who make it a better place for everyone else. They understand friendship like no body has ever understood. They understand betrayal like nobody does. They understand deceit. They understand the urge for people to deceit. They understand the folly of a human heart. They understand the unreasonable desires that overcome us as humans. They like to let go of the shackles of reality and submerge themselves in their uncanny world of their thoughts. They like to be alone and understand that to find your way you need to first loose yourself.
These are the people who want nothing more than a good book and coffee. Discussing their favourite book they have this unparalleled passion in their voice. These are the people who love smelling the rustic pages of a second hand book. They love having conversations about the nature. They love walking in the rain how so ever cliched it may sound. They get excited by just listening to their favourite song play on the radio. They would make you their best friend if you have similar taste in books. Even if you don't, they would still love you for your love for books. You would often find them forgetting their things at home or forgetting the place where they went for dinner a week back. But they would remember each line of their favourite poem and each quote by their favourite writer. The magic in their words would leave you mesmerized. They would leave you the best notes when you feel life has lost the magic. They would write you the best letters when you feel far away. They would call out your name with such melody that you would want to keep hearing it over and over again. They are the ones who would pick up your call at 3 am at night just to soothe you because you feel uninspired. They are the ones who would plunge life back into you when the despondent world has tried every hook to suck it out.
"When you read a book you don't escape from life, you plunge deeper into it."
These are the people you want to be with. These are the people who bring back the lost magic in your lives. And that's why these are the best kind of people there are.


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