
"Sometimes we depend on other people as a mirror. To define us and let us see who we truly are. And each reflection lets me like myself a little more"

Often you come across people who remind you a little of someone you know. Sometimes the resemblance is so profound that you seem to mistake them for being that person. But sometimes you come across people who resonate in their each movement your presence. The resemblance not always facial or superficial. It digs deeper into their every want desire and action. You find yourself so well synchronized with them that every thought of yours and theirs match. I call such people reflections. 
Reflections. Everything about them reminds you of yourself. Their thoughts, their morals, their habits. They often become extremely close. Even though they become extremely close, these reflections as I like to call them, more than often teach you the most important lessons in life. While some bring out the very best in you, the others bring out nothing but the worst. Your relation with them is often defined as your relation with yourself. These reflections come and teach you more about yourself than you could possibly imagine.
The reflection is not always someone from the opposite sex. You would more often find it in your best friend or someone much younger than you who is pursuing the same road you once took. If you look closely you would find more depth in your similarities. You would find similar scars, similar fears and similar sources of happiness. You would find that these people would often do or say something which you might not approve of but soon you'll realize its what you would have done. These reflections are extremely important in life.
In this hazy world where every goes by in a jiff, its important to keep them close. They keep you grounded. They keep you true to yourself. They keep you from changing in this ever changing world. But its really up to you as to what you take from them. Either the best or the worst.
I found my reflection in my best friend. He taught me not only about my deepest fears but also my deepest strength. I took not only the best from him, but also the worst. It was like being in a constant conversation with myself, something I thoroughly enjoyed and yet despised. My reflection taught me things that I probably never would have learned about myself otherwise. Even though at times I absolutely hate him, he is someone I cant do without. 
I really hope everyone out there finds their reflection in someone. Because its an addiction. Once you find them, don't let them go.


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