To Be a Woman in India


I am a girl. I live in the capital of India. This is my testimony. I am a college student, who has been provided with an independent lifestyle as well as an open mindset by my parents. I have learned how to survive in this world on my own. I travel on my own using public transport like dtc buses or private shared cabs. I have been groped, teased and stared at a lot of times. I have been followed and stalked too a lot of times. I have felt hopeless and angry. Everybody looks at you being assaulted but then they turn their heads, plug in their earphones and go about with their lives. Some stick around to watch and get aroused. If there is one thing that I have learned at all living in Delhi, it's that woman in India are considered nothing more than dogs. They exist, they give you love, but when they speak, they are ignored like a barking dog. They are sold for money, they have no right in selecting their owner, and they absolutely have no right biting. If they bite, they’re considered filthy or stray and of course punished accordingly. A lot of you out there would probably get offended by this comparison. But this is the sad reality. We live in a world where being a dog is considered better than being a woman.
Somewhere down the line I think it's the entire nations fault. We as a nation are so bend upon sticking to our culture that we have become blinded to what’s right and  what’s wrong. Our culture? What’s wrong with our culture? Nothing really if you ask me. I mean if your husband dies it's your duty to put yourself to fire on his pyre. Who wouldn't do that. As a wife it's the least you could do. Why would you even want to live. It's not like you can marry again. That just so sick , marrying someone again after your husband died. Who could do that? Even if you plan on living, you can't blame the in laws for being cruel towards you. They are right when they say that the death of their son was caused due to the fault in your stars. Who could argue with them. Another aspect of Indian culture, marital rape is not rape at all. He married you for god sake. Remember you are the dog. He is your owner. when he tells you to sit you sit. when he tells you to bark you bark. When he rapes you, it's his sole right to do so.I have never really understood the dowry system. The bride’s father gives money to the groom. It's like buying a birthday gift for her daughter that would last with her for a lifetime.Then how did the woman become the toy?  Must be some weird physics logic that I'm not able to understand. After all i'm just a girl? What do I know? I could go on and on about our great Indian culture but quite honestly I won't be able to stop myself then.
Lets talk about rape. R.A.P.E. S.E.X without consent. Here I spelled it out for you. The world did not end. So our great leaders have given us amazing advice's as to how to avoid rape. wear proper clothes. what are proper clothes? don't go out after 8. why? Do men get extra horny after 8? If you can't avoid it enjoy it. Oh. So rape is now a gift. I’ll remember to ask for it on my birthday. don't forget your culture. what culture? I'm already treated like a dog, might as well roam around like one. Woman provoke men to rape them. Well a lot of men have provoked me to kill them. doesn't make it right does it? Sex education has spoiled the youth. What sex education? We have an education system where we aren't even allowed to say the word sex. It's considered against god. Boys would be boys. This is my favourite. Well why should boys have all the fun? All the girls out there lets go on a castration spree and have our share of fun to. Shall we? Then lets see where their manliness goes.
Our nation wants to be the greatest but when they can't even respect half of their own population how do they expect the world to respect them?
We as a nation are led by people who could easily pass to be grandfathers of 2/3rd of the population. Their mindset are still stuck in rewind.They believe that this is the 19th century where internet and international television channels don't exist. If in their power they would make the entire youth sit and watch the saas bahu serials and give a long bhasana as to how to be a good wife and a good daughter in law. After all these are the only jobs women in their minds have. How absurd is it when a woman dreams of being a model, or a dancer, or a doctor. I mean is there even a thing known as a woman doctor? These are the kind of leaders who ban books or movies just because they dared to speak the truth about the ugliness of our masked society. They still want the girls to wear salwar kameez. Sometimes I feel that if Pakistan did not have the burqa system India would definitely have it. The only reason our leaders have not enforce it yet is quite possibly because Pakistan has and if Pakistan does it how can that be correct. You know what i mean? Our leaders want the youth especially the female percentage to stay at home and conduct hawan in the name of Alok Nath.
They don't want us to work, they don't want us to drink or smoke, they don't want us to go out of our houses. I ask why? So what if I don't have balls. I have breast. That makes me feel strong. I don't have to be a man to feel safe and strong. I am proud to be a woman and my breast make me feel confident. I have morals, I have my culture, but I also do have my own life and it is up to me how I plan on living it.
It was okay for our great leaders to have extramarital affairs and to watch porn during the Rajya Sabha meeting, but it is not okay for them if I as a woman go out for a few drinks with my guy friends. What hypocrisy. Why should I demand for my right. It should be given to me by default. Why should I have to fight for my position in society? Nobody has a right to fix my position. So what if i'm a woman. If i can push a baby out of my vagina, then i don't think there is any obstacle I can’t overcome or any problem I can’t endure.
I think they have forgotten that women have proved out to be better than men in all fields of work. If not better, they have proved out to be equally efficient. Or maybe they have not forgotten. They are scared out of their balls. Their male ego tells them that woman will soon rule the world, and they just can't see that happening. They know it in their minds that if a woman decides to she will change the world. Maybe that's why they want us to believe that an ideal woman is the one who stays at home, cooks food and acts like a dog for her husband. They want us to believe hat the only good thing about us is our body. Maybe that's why when we go for interviews, instead of our mark-sheets, our breasts are checked. Instead of my work experience, my ass is looked at.
I am a woman and I am proud of my body. I love my body. If I want to flaunt it i will. I am not inviting you to come rape me. You have no right over my body. My body is mine to flaunt and mine to share. If you can't respect that then don't expect me to respect you. I will not bear your atrocities, I will not keep quiet. I am here to change the Nation, and you better watch out.


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