A Love Letter.

She shyly smiles with glossy eyes
Holding the pen as the time fly's 
Trying to write but the paper remains blank
Her heart to pour out cries
Her pulse gets weaker with time
Her heartbeat there but sublime
She thinks about the known face
Remembers his smell, sweet thyme
She picks up the pen and writes a word
With thousands left to be heard
Wanting to be shouted out
Wanting to be free, like birds
But she is crippled by her fear
Of the letter not reaching near
Near the heart that it was written for
The tragic story of her tear
But she writes for she has to be brave
She writes about all she gave
She writes about the heart he stole
She writes how she forgave
She writes of dreaming at night
Dreaming of him within her sight
In his army uniform
And the eyes still shinning bright
She writes of wanting him back
With his clothes in the adjoining rack
Wherein they live happily ever after
Leaving behind the devastating tracks
But him being safe , she writes the most
Him returning back to the coast
Him loving her and she loving him
Forever their love for each other to boast
She kisses the letter a goodbye
She holds her head high
She is an officers love afterall
She posts the letter without a cry
She prays it reaches within his hands
Pictures him with the letter beneath the bus stand
Coming home coming back to the shore
Him returning to his land.


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